Citizen User Registration

Password Strength Requirements
To ensure a password is strong, it should meet the following criteria:
  • Password history: Do not use passwords that have been used in the previous three password changes.
  • Match: Both new password and confirm new password must be same
  • Length: Minimum of 8 characters.
  • Character Diversity:
    • At least one uppercase letter (A-Z).
    • At least one lowercase letter (a-z).
    • At least one special character (e.g., @#$%^&*(),.?":{}|<>).
    • At least one digit (0-9).
  • Consecutive Same Character Rules: The password should not contain any three consecutive same characters or digits.
    • Example of invalid sequence: aaa, 111, xxx, 999.
  • Digit Sequence Rules: The password should not contain any three consecutive digits in a sequence, either increasing or decreasing.
    • Example of invalid sequence: 123, 321, 456, 987.
  • Alphabet Sequence Rules: The password should not contain any three consecutive alphabetic characters in a sequence, either increasing or decreasing.
    • Example of invalid sequence: abc, xyz, bcd, zyx.
Please fill the text field as shown in the image
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Software solution by NIC Kerala. Content Owned and Maintained by State Election Commission, Kerala

GO GREEN D86 Version: P64.86-25.03.741