Preparation of Electoral Rolls

Electoral Registration Officer (ERO)

The electoral rolls for all the constituencies comprised in a Village Panchayat shall be prepared and revised by an Electoral Registration Officer who shall be such officer of the Government or of a local authority as the State Election Commission may, in consultation with the Government, designate or nominate in this behalf.

• In the case of Grama Panchayat & Municipalities the Secretaries concened and in the case of Municipal Corporation Additional Secretaries are the EROs.

Assistant Electoral Registration Officer (AERO)

The State Election Commission may designate one or more persons as assistant electoral registration officers to assist any electoral registration officer in the performance of his functions:

List of AEROs
Grama Panchayat

Assistant Secretary;

Junior Superintendent, if there is no sanctioned post of Assistant Secretary in a Grama Panchayat.

Head clerk, if there is no sanctioned posts of Assistant Secretary or Junior Superintendent

Municipality Grade I

P.A to Secretary;

Revenue Officer Grade I & II;

Municipal Engineer.

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Software solution by NIC Kerala. Content Owned and Maintained by State Election Commission, Kerala

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