
Inclusion of Name in the Electoral Roll

Once the draft electoral roll for a Local Self Government Institution is published, the claims and objections, if any, thereon have to be preferred before the Electoral Registration Officer (ERO). Application for inclusion in the roll, objection to any particulars in the roll and request for transposition are to be preferred online. But objections against request for inclusion in the roll or any inclusion already in the roll has to be preferred before the ERO in Form 5 either by hand or through post.

1. Online procedure to be followed for inclusion of name in the electoral roll.

(i) Log on to the State Election Commission’s website and then click the ‘Name Inclusion’ button.

(ii) From the Drop down menu, select the respective District, Local Self Government Institution, constituency/ward and part no. Then enter the name, parent’s name, gender address, age etc of the applicant in the respective fields.

(iii) While entering the data, details of election id card, phone number etc, if available, may also be entered. The question whether the applicant’s name has been included in any other Local Self Government Institution has to be answered promptly (Anybody who makes a false statement as liable for sentence under Section 27 of KPR Act,1994).

(iv) While filling the application for inclusion in a particular electoral roll, the applicant should also provide the name and serial number of either his family member or immediate neighbour already included in that roll.

(v) For filling fields to be filled in Malayalam while using English keyboard, the Space Bar may be pressed after entering each word for auto translation. Example for entering the name Raman Nair-enter Raman<space bar> Nair<space bar>. If any spelling mistake is found in the auto translated word, on pressing the backspace key twice, a pop down menu of a list of similar words will be generated. From this list, the appropriate word can be selected (Malayalam keyboard is also available for filling the form).

(vi) As soon as the fields are properly filled up and submitted, the applicant shall be navigated to the next page for uploading Photo. The applicant can upload the Photo as per the specification prescribed therein. If the applicant could not upload the photograph he can skip that process and click the final submission button. Thereupon he shall receive a hearing notice denoting the time, date and venue in form No.12.

(vii) The applicant should promptly appear before the ERO for the hearing on the date mentioned in form No.12 with documents/evidence, if any, he desires to produce before the latter.

Applicants who could not upload the photo during online submission should produce a recent passport size photo while attending the hearing.

2. Objection against the particular(s) of the electoral roll(Correction)

(i) Application for correction of the name/details of an entry in the electoral roll has to be submitted online by clicking the ‘Correction’ button. This should be preferred only by the person to whom that entry relates.

(ii) After selecting the appropriate District, Grama Panchayat / Municipality / Municipal Corporation, Constituency / Ward, Part no. etc the required details need to be entered and the application submitted.

(iii) As soon as the online application is submitted a system generated hearing notice in form 15 denoting the time, date and venue shall be available to the applicant. Based on that, the applicant should promptly appear before the ERO for adducing evidence with documents before the latter.

3. Application for the transposition of an entry in the electoral roll.

(i) The application for transposition of an entry from one part to another (polling station) of a ward/constituency has to be filed online by clicking the ‘Transposition’ button. This should be preferred only by the person to whom that entry relates.

(ii) Similarly, the request for transposition of a voter of a Constituency / Ward of a Panchayat / Municipality / Corporation to another Constituency / Ward within the institution also has to be filed online.

(iii) As soon as the aforesaid application is submitted, the applicant will receive a hearing notice denoting the time, date and venue. Based on that notice, the applicant should promptly appear before the ERO, for the hearing with documentary evidence to prove his claim.

4. Objection against name already included in the roll or request for inclusion

Objections against name already included in the roll or a request for inclusion should be preferred before the ERO in Form 5 either by hand or through post. Further any request for deletion of the names of deceased persons or persons who have ceased to be, or are not, ordinary residents in the constituency/ward of the concerned Local Self Government Institution has to be preferred in Form 8 either by hand or through post. The application in Form 8 has to be filed when a further opportunity is afforded for filing applications/ objections after the publication of final electoral roll.

5. Status /outcome of applications

The status/decision taken on applications by ERO can be viewed by clicking the ‘status’ button in the homepage of the website.

6. Appeal

A person aggrieved by an order passed by the ERO on an application/objection filed while revising the electoral roll, can prefer an appeal in the form of a memorandum within 15 days from the date of the impugned order before the Distrct Joint Director. The appeal fee shall be Rs. 2/-. Appeal against any decision of the ERO on claims and objections filed after the publication of final electoral roll should be preferred before the District Election Officer concerned within 15 days from the date of the impugned order . The appeal should be filed in the form of a memorandum and the fee in this case shall be Rs.10/-


A PRAVASI can prefer an application for including his name in the electoral roll, before the ERO concerned of the Local Self Government Institution, where his residence in Kerala, as in his passport is situated. This can be done during the time schedule prescribed by the Commission for the same.

Guidelines/General Instructions

(1) A PRAVASI who desires to include his name in the electoral roll of the Local Self Government Institutions should log on to the State Election Commission’s website and enter his name and other details in the Section ‘Online Additions for PRAVASI Voters’ after clicking ‘Name Inclusion’ button.

(2) As soon as the fields are properly filled up and submitted, the applicant shall be navigated to the next page for uploading Photo. The applicant can upload the Photo as per the specification prescribed therein. If the applicant could not upload the photograph he can skip that process and click the final submission button.

(3) Thereupon the applicant shall be able to take a printout of the duly filled up application form.

(4) Self attested copies of the relevant pages of the passport of the applicant should be attached along with the application preferred before the ERO by hand or through post. If the application is submitted in person, the original passport should also be produced before the ERO.

(5) The applicant should have completed the age of 18 years as on 1 st January of the year in which the voters list is prepared. Also he should be a resident in a foreign country but not have acquired citizenship of any foreign country.

(6) A photograph should mandatorily be affixed on the print out to be submitted before the ERO in case the same could not be uploaded while filing the online application.

(7) Self attested copies of the relevant pages of the passport bearing the photograph, visa stamping etc. should be attached to the application.

(8) The instructions displayed during the data entry should be read carefully while filling up.

(9) The PRAVASI voters whose names are included in the electoral roll can exercise their franchise by personally appearing at the polling station concerned with the original passport.

Documents to prove the Identity of Voter

When a voter enters the Polling Station he should produce any of the following documents before the Presiding Officer or the officer authorised by him, to exercise his franchise in any election to Local Self Government Institutions.

1. Voter ID card issued by Election Commission of India.

2. Passport

3. Driving License

4. PAN Card

5. Aadhar Card

6. Photo affixed SSLC Book

7. Photo affixed pass book of any Nationalised Bank issued at least 6 months prior to the date of election.

8. Temporary ID card issued by the State Election Commission.

Procedure to be followed during poll in 3 tier Panchayat Raj Institutions
using Multi Post Electronic Voting Machine (MPEVM)

(i) When a voter enters the polling station to cast his vote, the polling officer authorised to verify the voter’s Identification details should verify the same with reference to the details in the electoral roll.

(ii) On completion of verification, the voter should approach the next polling officer, who shall apply indelible ink on the specified finger. Then the voter shall put his signature/thumb impression in the vote register. On completion of this process he shall receive a voter slip.

(iii) With the voter slip, the voter should approach the polling officer in charge of the Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) and hand over the same to him. The Officer in charge of the EVM shall then enable the EVM for voting by pressing the Ballot button of the Control Unit (CU). On pressing the Ballot button, the red busy lamp on the CU and the green ready lamp on the Ballot Unit (BU) will start glowing indicating that the EVM is ready for voting.

(iv) The voter should then move to the voting compartment where 3 BUs (This is likely to change based on the no. of candidates) shall be kept ready for voting. The green ready lamp on each of the BUs shall remain glowing indicating that the units are ready for voting.

Casting of Vote

1) Each voter has to cast one vote each to Grama Panchayat, Block Panchayat and District Panchayat, totalling to 3 votes.

2) The BUs are set up in the order Grama Panchayat, Block Panchayat and District Panchayat.

3) The first BU will have a white coloured Ballot label with the names and symbols of the candidates contesting at the Grama Panchayat level.

4) The voter should press the candidate button against the name of the candidate for whom he desires to vote.

5) On pressing the desired candidate button, a small beep sound can be heard and the indicator light against that candidate button shall glow confirming that the vote has been cast in favour of the desired candidate.

6) Voting to the other two levels should also be done in the aforesaid manner. The Ballot labels for the Block Panchayat shall be in pink colour and that for the District Panchayat shall be in blue colour.

7) On completion of casting of votes to all the 3 tiers in a proper manner, a long beep could be heard indicating completion of the process.

8) If the voter desires to skip voting to one or two levels, the voting process has to be completed by pressing the red coloured END BUTTON on the last BU. On pressing the END BUTTON, a long beep indicating completion of the process will be generated.

9) The END BUTTON should be used only for completion of a voting cycle where one or two levels has been skipped.

10) If voting to the all three levels has been completed there is no need to press the END BUTTON.

11) Once the END BUTTON is pressed by the voter, he cannot cast any further votes to any level.

12) If two Buttons are pressed simultaneously only one vote will be recorded. Likewise, even if a button is pressed more than once only one vote will be recorded.

13) The voter is bound to maintain the secrecy of the voting.

14) If a voter finds any difficulty or has any doubt about the voting procedure he should not hesitate to share the same with the polling officials who are bound to help the voter.

15) As soon as a voter completes the voting, he should move away from the voting compartment for enabling the next voter to enter the compartment for voting.

Procedure to be followed during poll in Urban Local Bodies using
Single Post Electronic Voting Machine (SPEVM)

(i) When a voter enters the polling station to cast his vote, the polling officer authorised to verify the voter’s Identification details should verify the same with reference to the details entered in the electoral roll.

(ii) On completion of verification, the voter should approach the next polling officer, who shall apply indelible ink on the specified finger. Then the voter shall put his signature/thumb impression in the vote register. On completion of this process he shall receive a voter slip.

(iii) With the voter slip, the voter should approach the polling officer in charge of the EVM and hand over the same to him. The Officer in charge of the EVM shall then enable the EVM for voting by pressing the Ballot button of the CU. On pressing the Ballot button, the red busy lamp on the CU and the green ready lamp on the BU will start glowing indicating that the EVM is ready for voting.

(iv) The voter should then move to the voting compartment where the BU (This is likely to change based on the no. of candidates) shall be kept ready for voting. The green ready lamp of the BU shall remain glowing indicating that the unit is ready for voting.

(v) The voter should press the candidate button against the name of the candidate for whom he desires to vote. On pressing the desired candidate button, a long beep sound can be heard and the indicator light against that candidate button shall glow confirming that the vote has been cast in favour of the desired candidate.

(vi) If two Buttons are pressed simultaneously only one vote will be recorded. Likewise, even if a button is pressed more than once only one vote will be recorded.

(vii) The voter is bound to maintain the secrecy of the voting.

(viii) If a voter finds any difficulty or has any doubt about the voting procedure he should not hesitate to share the same with the polling officials who are bound to help the voter.

(ix) As soon as a voter completes the voting, he should move away from the voting compartment for enabling the next voter to enter the compartment for voting.

A new version of this app is available.

Software solution by NIC Kerala. Content Owned and Maintained by State Election Commission, Kerala

GO GREEN D86 Version: P64.86-25.02.734